Com. N Kuppusamy, Circle Secretary inaugurated the biennial district conference of Chennai Telecom on 29-12-2021. Com.C Swamy Gurunathan, District President presided. Com. T Kothandam, District Secretary welcomed the participants. Coms. S Chellappa, AGS, BSNLEU and C K Narasimhan, Circle President delivered special addresses. Coms. S nataraja, Circle Treasurer, P Manickamoorthy, Circle Vice President, Alice Selvarani, Asst Circle Treasurer, K Sreenivasan, District Secretary, BSNLEU, K Navinkummar, DS, SNEA, K Sakthivel, DS, AIBSNLEA, Merlin Kanakaraj, Circle Convenor,WWCC and R Girishraj, District Secretary ,CWU also addressed the conference. The report and accounts were adopted after discussion. Office bearers were elected unanimously with Com. S Anpumani (President) Com. T Kothandam (District Secreatry) Com. K V Sivakumaran (Treasurer)