Kerala Circle Executive Committee meeting has been held online on 19-12-2021. Com. K R R Varma, Vice President presided over the meeting. Com.N Guruprasad, Circle Secretary welcomed all and presented the report. Com. V A N Namboodiri, Advisor inaugurated the CEC with a brief speech focusing on important issues. Com. K G Jayaraj, General Secretary in his address dealt on main issues of pension revision, denial of medical benefits, struggles of CoC and organisational matters. Com. P V Chandrasekharan, Patron spoke elaborately on our functioning and stressed the importance of strengthening the organisation with effective campaign. All the District Secretaries and most of the office bearers participated in the discussion. General Secretary and Circle Secretary replied to the issues raised in the discussion. The CEC decided to hold the 6th biennial Circle Conference at Palakkad on 12,13 February, 2022. With vote of thanks by Com. P R Mohanan, ACS the meeting came to an end.