Confederation and NCCPA Joint Dharna on 7.9.2021! Charter of Demands including DA/DR Arrears, Covid related issues, Pension Revision of BSNL and PNB pensioners and Immediate payment of medical benefits to BSNL Pensioners.


.(Registered undder the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021 dated 07-01-2021) Website: mail: Feroze Shah Road,New Delhi. 110 001


Secy. General: COM.K.K.N.KUTTY. (98110 483030)

Dated: 24th August, 2021.

Dear Comrades,

One of the issues that was raised strongly and unanimously by the staff side of the National Council on 26th June, 2021 during the 48th meeting of the council was the delay in issuing orders for the grant of DA/DR which had become due from 1.01.2020. Though no assurance was held out by the official side at the meeting, it appears that the feeling of the employees was taken into consideration and the three instalments of DA/DR were granted and the orders were issued by the end of July, 2021. In April, 2020, in the wake of the covid pandemic and the consequent lock out, the Government had issued orders for freezing the payment of DA/DR which would be due from 1.1.2020, 1.7.2020 and 1.1.2021. The Government’s decision to impound the arrears for 18 months had in fact been conveyed in April, 2021 itself. Prior to the issuance of the above orders the Government had made an appeal for contribution to the Prime Minister’s relief fund to combat the situation emerging from the pandemic. The people, especially the poor segment of the society had suffered immensely during the covid period due to the loss of job caused by the lock down and the extra burden of expenditure due to the spread of the disease. Quite a number of people had died due to the virus. The employees and the pensioners responded to the appeal and almost everybody contributed a day’s income to the relief fund. The decision to unilaterally withhold the payment of DA and DR was a jolt and there had been no consultation either formally or informally with the employees’ representatives. The resentment was more about the decision to deny the DA/DR for 18 months in the name of financial stringency. The 20 trillion financial packages, the Government announced thereafter benefitted mostly the corporate houses and other business enterprises. Nothing much was done by the Government to increase the purchasing power of the people which would have benefitted the economy as a whole. Though the freezing payment of DA/DR had no prior consultation, still the employees and pensioners did not raise their objection as they felt that their sacrifice would benefit the poor people. The denial of payment of the arrears from 1.12020 to 1.7.2021 for eighteen month, however was different as it was was bereft of any legal or moral basis and the employees and pensioners apprehended that it would create an undesirable precedent. No such arbitrary steps had been taken in the past even against much greater financial crisis. The demand to pay back the withheld amount was, therefore made at the meeting on 26th, but elicited no response from the official side. The demand for the payment of arrears gathered momentum especially after the 20 trillion package announcement, as the employees and pensioners began to doubt the Government’s stand on financial strength of its coffers. They felt that their hard earned income has been donated to the business enterprises. The similar action of the A.P. Government was questioned at the High Court, which led to it being set aside. The decision of the High Court unequivocally established that the action of the Government to deny DA which is part of the salary is void and untenable The High Court’s decision portends the need for the reversal of the decision of the Government of India denying DA/DR arrears of 18 months. This and many other issues, especially the covid related problems and the sufferings of the employees and pensioners were figured in the discussions at the recently concluded National Executive Committee meeting of the Confederation of CGE & Workers. The National Executive has come to the conclusion that collective action is needed to highlight the issues and decided to hold discussion with NCCPA for a joint action in the matter. It has now been mutually agreed to hold a physical dharna programme in all State Capitals on 7th September, 2021, the timings and duration can be decided by the local units of both Confederation and NCCPA. The Dharna participants will meet and pass a resolution to be submitted to the Finance Minister with copy to the Secretary, Department of Personnel. All Individual members will send a letter to the Finance Minister, the format of which will be sent later. The programme of action and the charter of demands on which the programme would be mounted is appended hereunder. As per the discussion we had in our last NE meeting, we had submitted agenda items with brief notes for discussion at the National Council. However, those issues could not be figured in the agenda for want of time. Our President, Com. Shiv Gopal Misra who is also the staff side Secretary has taken up the matter with the Secretary, Pension and Secretary Health. A meeting has been promised to take place by the end of September, 2021. The undersigned was at Delhi for a few days from 11.8.2021 to 20.8.2021. We had earlier decided to transfer the money in the joint account of the Secretary General and Treasure to a newly created bank account of NCCPA. However, this could not be accomplished as our Treasurer, Com.H.L. Sidhu had a cardiac problem and had been admitted to the hospital. He has been advised rest for atleast three months and is presently convalescing at his home. Further steps in this direction would be taken after he recovers from his illness. In the meantime, all affiliates are requested to clear their dues for the year 2019-20 and 2020-21by remitting the money to the present joint account, whose details are available on our website. Since NCCPA is now registered under the T.U. Act, we are to submit our accounts duly signed for the two calendar years 2020 and 2021 audited by a chartered Accountant.

PROGRAMME OF ACTION:And Charter of demands.

it has been decided to organise a dharna programme on 7th September, 2021 at a Central Place in all State Capitals. This will be followed by an e mail campaign, the format of which will be sent in due course. The demands that will be highlighted through this programme are as under:-

1. Grant the arrears of DA/DR for the period between 1.1.2020 to 1.07.2021. held back by the Government to the employees and pensioners immediately.

2. Take immediate decision on the following covid related issues;

3. Grant compensation of not less than Rs. 15 lakhs in case of all covid affected deaths;

4. Reimburse the hospitalisation bills for all covid patients irrespective of the fact whether the hospital is recognised or not.

5. Ensure that all employees are provided with the vaccination facility preferably in the CGHS dispensaries.

6. Provide compassionate appointments in all death cases irrespective of the 5% ceiling.

7. Ensure that the pensioners who do not have any health care facility especially for in-patient treatment are provided with insurance coverage at the cost of the Government.

8. Revise the Pension of:(a)BSNL pensioners with effect from 1.1.2017 with 15% fitment, delinking wage revision. (b)Punjab National Bank Pensioners..

9. Grant the medical benefits to the BSNL pensioners.

The resolution to be adopted at the meeting (dharna programme) on 7th September, 2021 will be sent shortly. The format of e mail to be sent to the Honourable Finance Minister by each individual employee/pensioner will also be sent along with the resolution. The affiliates and State COCs are requested to kindly make the programme a grand success by enlisting the participation of all employees and pensioners.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

K.K.N KuttySecretary General