May be an image of one or more people and people sitting

Chennai Telephones has held the Circle Executive Committee Meeting at BSNLEU office on 06-02-2021. Com.E Manibalan, Circle Vice President presided over the meeting. Com. V Kuppan, Circle Secretary welcomed and presented a brief report on the intervening period. Com.K Govindraj, Assistant Circle Secretary reported the decisions of the Central Executive Committee Meeting held on 23-01-2021.

After discussion, the CEC took the following decisions;

  1. To implement the decisions of the Central Executive Committee meeting including struggles.
  2. To accept the resignation of Treasurer, Com. N Raju on health problems and nominated Com. Senbakavalli Janarthanam , Asst Treasurer to function as Treasurer.
  3. To clear the CHQ quota and donation quota for farmers’ struggle.
  4. To form four district branches.
  5. To conduct an effective membership and Tele Pensioner campaign.

With vote of thanks by Com. M Mahalingam, Circle Organising Secretary, the CEC was concluded.