Image may contain: 9 people, including Swaran Singh, crowd, sky and outdoor, text that says "REDMI NOTE 9 PRO MAX Al QUAD CAMERA"

A joint delegation of AIBDPA and BSNLEU, Punjab joined the struggling farmers at Singhu , New Delhi on 10-12-2020 and assured full support and solidarity to the genuine struggle of the farmers. The deleagation was led by Coms.H S Dhillon, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU and Balvindr Singh, Circle Secretary, AIBDPA.

The farmers who are on struggle for the last two weeks have decided to intensify the struggle due to rejection of their just demands by the Modi government. Kisan Sangarsh Co-Ordination Committee consisting of several farmers’ organisations irrespective of political affiliations have taken a determined stand that nothing short of repeal of three anti-farmer acts will be accepted. They deserve special congratulations for their firm stand and thwarting the nefarious game of Modi government to split them.

CHQ congratulates the noble gesture and camaraderie of our Punjab Comrades and once again affirm that we are with the farmers.