11th December 2020 is the 66th death anniversary of Comrade K.G.Bose, the great inspiration of the entire P and T workers and Central government employees. Com. K.G. entered the P and T Department in 1942 and within no time became very active in union activities. He, along with Dada Ghosh, founder General Secretary of NFPTE, led the successful Postal Strike of July 1946 in Bengal. He, along with other progressive leaders took initiative in the formation of Union of P and T Workers (UPTW) and later that of National Federation of P and T Employees (NFPTE) in 1954.

Com. K.G.Bose was arrested, jailed and dismissed from service in connection with the proposed strike of 1949 and was never reinstated. But he continued his service to the union. He was elected as the President of NFPTE in 1970 at the Vijayawada Federal Council to re-elected  next year at Calcutta Federal Council. Already he has been elected as the Circle Secretary of Postal Employees Union Class III  and Telecom Employees Union Class III of W.Bengal. Also elected as the All India President of the Postal Employees Union Class III. He was a charismatic leader with massive popularity. He encouraged young workers to take more interest in union activities.

He was elected to the W.Bengal Assembly as also appointed as a Member of the Pay Commission for the state government employees.

Continued tour and hectic activities resulted in deterioration of his health. He was found to be affected by Cancer and was sent to London for expert medical treatment. But he could not be saved. Com.K.G.Bose passed away on 11th December 1974 leaving his family, friends and comrades in deep grief. He was only 54.

AIBDPA pays its respectful homage to the revolutionary leader Com.K.G.Bose!