Circle Executive Committee meeting of Telangana has been held at BSNL Bhawan, Hyderabad on 05-12-2020. Com. Veeraswami, Circle President controlled the proceedings. Com. Ramachandradu, Circle Secretary welcomed and presented the report.

Com. D Shankar, CHQ Vice President addressed the meeting and explained the issues of pensioners. BSNL management has now allotted funds to clear the medical bills, both indoor and outdoor, up to 31-03-2019. The struggles conducted and the continuous efforts of AIBDPA has finally yielded the result. But the success is partial, as medical allowance or without voucher is not being paid and also the payment after 31-03-2019 has to be acheived. So also pension revision.

Com. G. Sambasiva Rao, Asst Circle Secretary, BSNLEU also addressed and gave a gist of the situation prevailing in BSNL and the nefarious game of the central government to kill BSNL. Thereafter, the District Secretaries and most of the Circle Office Bearers participated in the discussion.

The CEC decided to strengthen AIBDPA and reconstitute Adilabad Branch.