Sonipat District Branch functioning was affected due to the illness of the incumbent District Secretary for some time. Com.Kuldeep Singh, Circle Secretary took the initiative to reconstitute the district branch to ensure proper and efficient functioning. Accordingly, a meeting of the district branch was held on 21-11-2020 under the presidentship of Com. Ashok Arya.

Com.M S Kadian, Circle Patron and Circle Secretary, BSNLEU inaugurated the meeting. Com.Kuldeep Singh, Circle Secretary delivered the keynote address. Both learers explained the issues of pension revision, non-payment of medical claims, revival of BSNL, Solidarity Dharna on 25-11-2020 in support of the General Strike on 26-11-2020.

Thereafter, the District Branch was reconstituted unanimously with the following important functionaries;

President                            : Com.Nand Kumar

District Secretary              : Com. Mahesh Singh

Treasurer                           : Com. Ashok Arya