As directed by the CHQ the online meeting of AIBDPA AP CIRCLE CEC held on 05/11/2020

.Com.KG Jayaraj , General Secretary in his inaugural address explained the present national situation, Pension revision and medical bills payment.He congratulated AP Comrades for successfully conducting the programmes and directed to observe NCCPA programme of standing Dharna on 25/11/2020  on pensioners demands and to actively support the general strike on 26/11/2020 called by the central trade unions.

Com.P.Asokababu Vice-President CHQ explained in detail the present position of BSNL and demands of the pensioners and requested the pensioner community to participate in strike call given by BSNL Unions on 26/11/2020.

Com.K.Ramadevi Vice-President CHQ BSNLEU thanked the pensioners for participating in all programmes of AUAB and requested to extend the same co-operation on26/11/2020

.Com.K.S.C.Bose CS congratulated all DSs for making the calls of the CHQ successful and gave brief report on the organisational position in AP Circle.Com.MSNReddy, Treasurer submitted financial report.7 circle office bearers and 7 DSs participated in discussion on organisation and problems.2 DSs could not join due to connectivity problems.CS replied on the points raised during discussion and requested the members to make NCCPA programme on 25/11/2020 and to support the general strike on 26/11.The CEC concluded after Com.T.Nageswararao proposed Vote of thanks.