Com.K G Jayaraj, General Secretary addressed a well organised meeting by Chennai Telephones at Karur Vyasa Bank Hall, Chennai on 20-06-2024. Com.V Kuppan, Circle President controlled the proceedings. Com.K Govindaraj, Circle Secretary and CHQ AGS welcomed one and all.

General Secretary, in his address explained almost all the issues being confronted by the pensioners, especially pension revision and the agitational programme being launched by the Joint Forum of BSNL MTNL Pensioners Associations. He also touched the important developments at the international level, particularly the genocide being let loose against Palestinian people at Gaza by the barbaric Israel with the full support of US imperialism and the report on the 3rd Congress of TUI(P&R). National situation after the Parliament Election was also narrated. The election result is a clear message that the Indian people will not tolerate authoritarianism and attacks on constitution and democracy.

Incidentally it was the 70th birthday of Com.K Govindaraj and was celebrated with cutting the cake happily by the comrades. Coms.C K Narasimhan, Circle President , Tamil Nadu, R Rajasekar, Circle Secretary, Tamil Nadu, Janarthanan, Acting Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, Chennai Telephones, T Kasi, Circle President ,CCMU and senior leaders Coms.B Subramoniam, Moni Balan, Puthina, Geetha, Nagaraj, Vasudevan etc attended. Large participation of pensioners with about 40 lady comrades is worth mentioning. Com. N. Panchatcharam, Circle Treasurer proposed vote of thanks.