May be an image of 7 people, dais and text that says "ISOPA of Honor oodiri Advisor AIBDPA All India All India Central BSNL DOT Pensioners Executive Committee Meeting at Pune Maharshtra Association, On 19th 20th November 2023. Vergees BSNLEU CHQ Delhi Nelrond MssesAGH 5 CHIEF GUEST Com. K. Hemalata President CITU CHQ NewDelhi every one moving forward together unitedly, success kosogedේ Venue: Emrald Multi purpose Mhalunge EECES จj General SecretaryAIBDPA CHQ itselt ENSIONG"

The two days Central Executive Committee meeting of AIBDPA has been held at the Emerald Multi Purpose Hall, Pune on 19th & 20th November, 2023 .

To start with, Com. V A N Namboodiri, Advisor hoisted the National Flag and Com. K G Jayaraj, General Secretary hoisted the AIBDPA flag.

The open session was presided over by Com M R Das, President. All the leaders were honoured in the traditional Maharashtra custom. Com. K G Jayaraj, General Secretary welcomed one and all and presented the important issues. Prof. Ajit Abhayankar, senior leader of CITU and prominent economist delivered the inaugural address with an educative and brilliant speech. Coms. V A N Namboodiri, Nagesh Kumar Nalawade, CHQ Vice President, BSNLEU, Ganesh Hinge, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU and Yusuf Hussain, AGS, BSNLCCWF addressed the open session. Com. M I Jakati, Circle Secretary Maharashtra proposed vote of thanks.

In the subject session at 3PM resolution paying homage to the martyrs and condolences to those departed during the period was presented by General Secretary. Thereafter the report on activities was read out by Com. K G Jayaraj, General Secretary assisted by CHQ office bearers. Com M G S Kurup presented the accounts for 2022-23 and the interim account for the period from 01-04-2023 to 30-09-2023.

Points for discussion on important issues and on advancement of the organisation overcoming the weaknesses were spelt out by the General Secretary.

A resolution Committee with Coms. S Mohandoss (Convenor), A. Dhupal and Muddaiah was formed. The CEC adjourned .

The session on 20th inst was fully allocated for the discussion by both the Circle Secretaries and CHQ office bearers. 28 comrades participated in the discussion on the report and on important organisational issues. Replying to the discussion Com. K G Jayaraj, General Secretary explained the developments on pension revision after the PBCAT judgment on 20th September, 2023 and its possible implications. The government and the DoT buerocracy under the cover of the case and judgment is certain to prolong the already delayed pension revision. Therefore further struggle is warranted and as the first step, the CEC decided for an extensive campaign from 1st to 10th December, 2023 at all levels all over the country.

The following are the resolutions adopted on other issues.

1. Ensure timely payment of Medical benefits at par with the employees by BSNL as per the order dated 30-08-2022.

2. The Government and the CGHS authorities should initiate urgent action to mitigate the difficulties being faced by the CGHS beneficiaries

3. Immediate settlement of denial of retirement benefits and regular pension to VRS ST retirees of Maharashtra

4.To extend full support and solidarity to the Human Chain by the Joint Forum of BSNL Non-Executives Unions on 28th November 2023 demanding wage revision and immediate launching of 4G/5G by BSNL.

5. Restore the Railway travel concession to the senior citizens stopped in the name of Covid 19 pandemic.

The CEC called upon the Circle/ District branches to make all out efforts for increasing the membership and to enroll at least 20 per cent of the membership as subscribes of Tele Pensioner.

Com. H F Chaudhari, General Secretary, AICGPA HQ Pune greeted the CEC.

The CEC congratulated and thanked the Reception Committee headed by Com.N K Nalawade and M I Jakati for the excellent arrangements made for the successful conduct of the Central Executive Committee.