Com. K G Jayaraj, General Secretary met Shri. Khagse Garg, Director (Staff), Department of Telecommunications on 8th November, 2023 and discussed the issue.

Shri. J H Agashe was dismissed in 2010 due to his conviction by the Additional Sessions Judge in the case filed by the CBI for the alleged illegal gratification of Rs. 200. However, on appeal, the High Court of Nagpur had set aside the conviction on 06-03-2020. Meanwhile, the official had retired on 30-11-2015.Several representations were sent by the official for cancellation of the dismissal based on the High Court order but of no avail.

The issue was brought to the notice of CHQ in August, 2022 and immediately took up the issue by writing a detailed letter to the Member (Services) and General Secretary discussed the issue in person. Thereafter the issue started moving and in May, 2023 the order setting aside the dismissal and allowing 75% of the substitance allowance for the period from the date of dismissal to the date of superannuation was issued . But the same order was withdrawn on technical ground on the same date.

When enquired with the District Secretary, Bhandara, it was reported that the case is still to be settled and also the sad demise of Shri. J H Agashe on 18th October, 2023

.The Director stated that the order withdrawn initially was subsequently issued afresh and sent to the official through BSNL, Maharashtra and was waiting for his response. As he has expired, the Director advised that his wife may send a representation along with the death certificate for further necessary action