May be an image of 9 people, poster, dais and text that says "ऑल इंडिया बीएसएनाएल डी. ओ. टी पेन्शनरस असोसिएशन महाराष्ट्र AIBDPA Maharashtra 3d CeC Meeting Pune महाराष्ट्र भूमीची शान वाढलीच पाहिजे! आापले महापुरुषांचे स्वाभियान जगलेच पाहिजे! 13" 2023"
May be an image of 2 people

Maharashtra Circle has conducted the Circle Executive Committee meeting on 13-09-2023 at Emerald Hall, Pune . Com. Appa Saheb Ghagare, Circle Vice President presided over the meeting. Com. M I Jakati, Circle Secretary welcomed one and all and narrated the important developments during the intervening period, particularly on the agitatations , efforts for the settlement of the issues, caste revalidation of ST VRS retirees and the initiatives to achieve the target of 10,000 members in the circle. Com.Nagesh Kumar Nalawade, CHQ Vice President and Circle President of BSNLEU was the main speaker who spoke elaborately on all the issues of the pensioners and BSNL. He also gave valuable suggestions to improve the membership of AIBDPA in the circle and assured all the cooperation in this regard.Com. Ganesh Hinge, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU in his to strengthen the organisation by ensuring more involvement of all the leaders. Com.Yusuf Hussain, General Secretary, MHBSNLCWU and AGS, BSNLCCWF also addressed and highlighted the importance of Coordination Committee of BSNLEU,AIBDPA & BSNLCCWF. Coms.Pushpa Pharate, AGS and Santhosh A Soni, CHQ Organising Secretary also addressed the CEC.

The report of Circle Secretary and accounts presented by Circle Treasurer, Com.Arun Ingale were passed after discussion.