May be an image of 2 people, plant, temple, crowd and text
May be an image of 2 people, temple and text

In view of the denial of permission to continue the Dharna on 25th August 2023 at Jantar Mantar, the Joint Forum of BSNL MTNL Pensioners Associations had planned to hold Protest Demonstration before the Sanchar Bhawan at 1130AM on 25th inst. Plenty of Police were deployed to prevent the demonstration and some of our comrades from Tamil Nadu, Chennai Telephones, Kerala, Gujarat, West Bengal, Rajasthan etc were removed in the police vehicle to Jantar Mantar. The leaders reached at the spot at 1130AM and had a tough time dealing the police. But unmindful of the consequences, they started shouting slogans loudly and spiritedly and all other comrades who were in the near vicinity rushed and joined together and staged a powerful demonstration for 15 minutes resisting the police to remove them to the police vehicle. Then the police informed that Joint Forum can continue the Dharna at Jantar Mantar. Thereafter, hundreds of pensioners moved to Jantar Mantar in a procession and held the Dharna.

Coms. V A N Namboodiri, K G Jayaraj, G L Jogi, H F Chaudhari, M K Mudgal, M R Das and D D Mistri addressed the Dharna participated by hundreds of comrades who came from almost all parts of the country with great commitment and determination to fight for the genuine cause. All the speakers delivered spirited and encouraging speeches exposing the lethargic attitude of the government and affirmed to continue the struggle until the pension revision is achieved.

Then the police took the leaders in their vehicle to Sanchar Bhawan and the Joint Secretary received the memorandum.