.*Com. K G Jayaraj, General Secretary has met Shri. Saurab Tyagi, PGM ( Estt) BSNL Corporate office on 18th August, 2023 and discussed in detail the issue of denial of retirement benefits to ST VRS retirees of Maharashtra.

Actually, General Secretary along with Com. M I Jakati, Circle Secretary, Maharashtra had tried to meet him in the last week of July to furnish the list of the VRS retirees, still denied the retirement benefits, as required by the PGM. Unfortunately on both the occasions the PGM happened to be in meetings. Therefore the list of 219 ST VRS retirees was sent to him by email and registered post. General Secretary handed over him the copy of the letter dated 24-07-2019 and sought his response. He agreed to have received the letter and may be the first time, contested our contention and stated that only the ex-gratia remains to be paid. General Secretary strongly disagreed and stated that PGM is depending on the wrong report of CGMT, Maharashtra. He also brought to his notice some cases of denial of gratuity and even leave encashment. CAT judgments in favour of the retirees are not being implemented. PGM replied that almost all the court orders are implemented. He also asked the General Secretary why some of the VRS retirees have not applied for the caste revalidation as others have done. General Secretary argued that the caste certificate verification is not to be done after the retirement and clear rules and procedures are already in force issued by the DOPT and DOP&PW. He also stated that if at all the official has produced a fake caste certificate, it is the responsibility of the administration to get it revalidated. PGM then clarified that in Maharashtra the rule is different and only the individual is entitled to apply.So now we have to collect the exact position with each ST VRS retiree as what are the benefits still to be paid in each case.

Medical Payment by end of the month.

There are many complaints from certain circles regarding nonpayment of Medical benefits. The concerned GM was not available and the section officer has stated that no payment was made in July, 2023 and probably the pending bills will be paid by the end of August, 2023.