Trade Union International ( Pensioners & Retirees) ( TUI (P&R) 2nd Asia Regional Conference at Thiruvananthapuram on 1st October,2023.

Organising Committee formed on 31.07.2023

A meeting particiapted by representatives of various organisations of Kerala held at P&T House, Thiruvananthapuram on 31-07-2023 has formed the Organising Committee to host the 2nd Asia Regional Conference at Thiruvananthapuram on 01-10-2023.

Com. P K Muraleedharan, State President, Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers and Circle Convener, NFPE presided. Com. K G Jayaraj, Dy Secretary General, NCCPA who convened the meeting welcomed one and all and clarified the purpose of the meeting. Com.K Ragavendran Secretary General NCCPA and Asia Co-Ordinator, TUI (P& R) inaugurated the meeting and explained the functioning of TUI(P&R) and the importance of the Asia Regional Conference. Coms. M. Vijayakumar, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU,M.C.Nair Patron of AIPRPA Kerala; Amaravilla Ramakrishnan General Secretary of Senior Citizen Friends Welfare Association Kerala; Radhakrishnan leader of DRPU; Sundaresan All Kerala Bank Retirees Forum; N Guruprasad, Circle Secretary , AIBDPA; K.Kamalasanan leader of Audit & Accounts Pensioners Association; C.N.Dhanapalan ISRO Pensioners Association; Mohammed Maheen Confederation of CG Employees District Secretary; and many other leaders addressed and assured fullest cooperation for the successful conduct of the TUI Conference.

Com. V.A.Mohanan State Secretary of Kerala AIPRPA addressed and placed the proposal of the office bearers of Organising Committee and was unanimously adopted. Accordingly, Com. V. Joy MLA ( Chairman) Com. P K Muraleedharan ( Working Chairman) Com. K G Jayaraj ( General Secretary) are the important functionaries. Com. K.G.Jayaraj , General Secretary then placed the budget estimates of the TUI(P&R) Conference and the same was approved.

Thus, India has got the great opportunity to host the 2nd Asia Regional Conference at Thiruvananthapuram and we have to undertake the responsibility with pride and our tradition.