Editorial of the Tele Pensioner of March -June,2023

.Pension Revision – let us continue the fight until achieved.

AIBDPA has taken a clear stand on the issue of pension revision from the very beginning. Pension Revision due from 01-01-2017 has to be implemented with 15% fitment as per 3rd PRC, delinking wage revision

We have been taking all-out efforts for the settlement. We have taken up the issue with Secretary DoT, three Ministers of Communications and even Hon’ble Prime Minister directly and through several Members of Parliament including the Speaker and Union Ministers.

Series of struggles were launched by AIBDPA including three Sanchar Bhawan Marches, the latest being held on 24-08-2022. Struggles were also conducted by AUAB, Coordination Committee of BSNLEU AIBDPA & BSNLCCWF and NCCPA. The four phased agitational program of NCCPA culminating in the Parliament March on 21st July,2023 is underway. As a result, government had to retreat from it’s earlier negative stand and in the discussion held with 17 pensioners associations on 17th October,2022, the then Member (Services) emphatically stated that pension revision will be delinked from wage revision. However, his offer of zero percent fitment was stoutly rejected by all the pensioners organisations in single voice. Thereafter the Member (S) assured to reconsider the fitment factor.

Meanwhile we have been able to form the Joint Forum of BSNL-MTNL Pensioners Associations with eight pensioners organisations. JF also took earnest efforts to settle the issue amicably throgh discussions. But the bureaucracy in DoT is culpably delaying the settlement. It took four months to calculate the financial implications for fitment factor of 5,10 and 15 percent. It was reported by the Member (S) on 21st March,2023 that all the consultations in DoT is completed and the final decision on fitment will be taken in the meeting with the Hon’ ble Minister of Communications in the first week of April,2023. But nothing worthwhile has happened so far. On the contrary, fallacious attempts are being made by the DoT to deny the BSNL/ MTNL absorbed pensioners their rightful, irrefutable and genuine fitment of 15 percent

.It is under these compelling circumstances that the meeting of Joint Forum held on 15th June,2023 decided to launch a three phased program of action, viz (1) Black Day on 06-07-2023 – Demonstration at all levels with Mass Letter Campaign to the Minister of Communications. (2) Dharna at District level and. CCA offices on 31-07-2023. (3) Five Days Dharna at Jantar Mantar New Delhi on 21 to 25, August,2023.So, we have to make all these struggles succesful , Parliament March of NCCPA on 21-07-2023 and the JF program of action in the coming days.

We shall not rest until and unless the most burning issue of pension revision is achieved

.Let us march forward with determination and commitment

.Final victory shall be ours.