A meeting of the Joint Forum of BSNL-MTNL Pensioners Associations was held virtually on 15-06-2023.15 representatives of the eight constituent associations participated in the meeting. Com. V A N Namboodiri, Advisor, AIBDPA presided.

The meeting dscussed the present status of pension revision of BSNL / MTNL Pensioners. Coms.K G Jayaraj General Secretary AIBDPA, G L Jogi General Secretary SNPWA, D D Mistry , General Secretary,BDPA(I), H F Chaudhari General Secretary, AICGPA HQ Pune, M R Das President, AIBDPA, R K Mudgil, General Secretary, MREWA, Rajender Prasad, General Secretary, MESA, D C Sharma, Vice President, SNPWA presented their views.

All the representatives felt that there has been no significant progress in processing the issue since the Joint Forum met the Member, (F ) and Member (S) on 21-03-2023. The crucial meeting , as stated by the Member(S), with the Minister of Communications by Secretary,DoT, Member (F) and Member (S) was to be held in the first week of April,2023 . But it has not yet taken place for reasons best known to themselves. Actually, Secretary DoT is sitting on the file idly for the last four months. The Hon’ble Minister of Communications, despite repeated assurances to various delegations that the issue will be settled shortly, is not intervening even after frequent requests.

In these circumstances all the constituent associations wanted to launch Agitational Program against the sheer neglect of the authorities in settling our most important and burning issue of pension revision.Finally the Joint Forum decided to conduct the following three phased agitational program demanding immediate action for settlement of pension revision of BSNL/MTNL Pensioners from 01-01-2017 with 15% fitment as per 3rd PRC, delinking wage revision .

1. BLACK DAY- 06-07-2023. Demonstration at all levels with Mass Letter Campaign to the Minister of Communications.

2. Dharna at SSA level and CCA offices – 31-07-2023

.3. 5 Days Dharna at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi – 21st to 25th August, 2023..

The meeting decided to serve notice for the Agitational Program to the MOC and Secretary,DoT. Meanwhile efforts will also be made by the Joint Forum to meet the MOC and Secretary DoT.

The detailed circular will follow.