Let us observe May day on 1st May,2023 jointly with other trade unions/ associations by hoisting flags and organising rallies/ meetings.

This time the observance of May Day has more importance as the working class and pensioners are subjected to severe attacks globally from the forces of world capitalism, in the form of neo-liberalism. It is an encouraging development that struggles against such attacks are also gaining momentum in many countries

.In India also the rights of the workers are curtailed by replacing the hard won labour laws with four labour codes. Contrctual appointments are made applicable even to the armed forces.

The assets of the country are being handed over to the corporates for throw away prices in the name of National Monetisation Pipeline, in addition to the privatisation of Public Sector Undertakings. The wealth of the country is cornered by the super rich, widening the gap between the rich and poor.

The pensioners are also facing serious challenges. The Central Government, despite strong demand and struggle to scrap the NPS and restore OPS is continuing it’s negative stand. The appointment of a Secretary level committee to suggest any improvement in the NPS and it’s terms reference are nothing but a farce, only with an eye on the 2024 general election.

The pension revision of BSNL absorbed pensioners is unnecessarily and unjustifiably being delayed. The order of the Supreme Court for higher pension for the EPF pensioners is not being implemented by insisting for refund of huge amount for submission of option. The Central Government has not made any increase in the social welfare pension of Rs.200 since 2014 while very lavish in granting concessions to the corporates.

The most worrisome fact in the country is the attempts by Sangh Parivar, supported by the ruling class, to divide the people in the name of caste and religion. A sense of terror is rampant threatening the very existence of our constitution and democracy. The intolerance of the government against those who oppose it’s policies have come into fore in several cases in the recent past, the latest being the derecognition of NFPE.

The historic Worker -Peasant Rally on 5th April, 2023, participated by lakhs of workers, farmers and many other sections, in New Delhi has reflected the determination of the toiling masses to resist the onslaught of the government.

In Kerala,the only left democratic government in the country, has shown its commitment to the poor people by giving Social Welfare Pension to 65 lakh people @ Rs.1600 per month without compromising on the developmental projects

.So comrades, let us reaffirm on the occasion of the May Day to continue our fight against all injustices and for the resolution of our just and genuine demands to ensure a decent and dignified life at the fag end of our life

.Long live May Day

.Long live workers unity

Long live workers and pensioners unity

Revolutionary May Day Greetings