May be an image of 4 people
May be an image of 1 person, standing and sitting

The 5th biennial Circle Conference of West Bengal was held at the Town Hall Burdwan on 5th & 6th November, 2022. Com.K G Jayaraj, General Secretary inaugurated the conference . In his inaugural address, General Secretary vividly explained the issues confronting the pensioners with particular emphasis to medical benefits and pension revision. The historic Sanchar Bhawan March and its positive impacts were also focused. A host of leaders including Coms. D Basu (AGS & Secretary,CORTO), Animesh Mitra (President, BSNLEU) Pijush Chakraborty (Circle Secretary) addressed the open session. Com. Shyama Pada Ray, General Secretary, Reception Committee & District Secretary, Burdwan welcomed one and all. A presidium of Coms.Susanta Ghosh and Dilip Das controlled the proceedings. Seven veteran leaders who have crossed 80 were honoured with memento and shawl.

In the subject session held thereafter , Com. Pijush Chakraborty presented the report on activities and the Treasurer presented the audited accounts. The delegates actively participated in the discussion that followed. After the summing up of Com.Pijush Chakraborty, Circle Secretary, both the report and accounts were adopted. Some resolutions on important issues were also adopted by the conference. Office Bearers were elected unanimously with Com.Omprakash Singh (President) Com.Asis Das (Circle Secretary) and Com. Debasish Khan (Treasurer). The Reception Committee made excellent arrangements for the successful conduct of the conference.