The three phased agitational programme on the six point charter of demands focusing Pension Revision and Denial of Medical benefits has evoked big response and enthusiasm among the telecom and BSNL pensioners throughout the country irrespective of union affiliation. The confidence and determination to fight against the continuing apathy to the genuine demands by the government and the BSNL management is very much visible in the pensioners and quite encouraging too. Now, CHQ is taking all out efforts to make the culminating programme, March to Sanchar Bhawan on 24-08-2022 memorable and a resounding success.

Arrangements are in final stage at New Delhi for the successful conduct of the Sanchar Bhawan March. Comrades from the far off circles have already started their onward journey to New Delhi and it is very much enthusuiastic that the participants are being given spectacular send off by the respective district branches, treating them as the warriors of the great struggle for the cause of the pensioners. Veteran Leader and our source of inspiration, Com. V A N Namboodiri has reached New Delhi on today, the 20th August and will supervise the preparations and guide us for the successful conduct of the Sanchar Bhawan March.