Kurnool District has held its 3rd biennial Conference on 06-04-2022 at KK Bhawan, Kurnool with good participation. Com.M V Subbha Rao, District President presided. Com. K S C Bose, Circle Secretary inaugurated the conference and gave a good account of dvelopments in the recent past in respect of pensioners issues and struggles being waged by AIBDPA, NCCPA and CoC. The report and accounts presented by Com. G Maheswara Rao, District Secretary were adopted after discussion. The conference also adopted resolutions on issues like pension revision, starting of CGHS wellness centre at Kurnool etc. A new set of office bearers were elected unanimously with Com.M Siva Reddy (President) Com.Maddileti (District Secretary) Com. K Ch Subramanyam (Treasurer).