The Biggest General Strike in the World: Over 200 Million Workers and  Farmers Paralyze India - Left Voice

The two days General Strike on 28-29 March, 2022 called by the Central Trade Unions and Independent Federations has created a new history of the struggles in India. 25 crore workers are participating in the strike with enthusiasm, spirit, vigour and determination reflecting the protest and anger against the anti-people policies of the Modi government which has proved to be the government of the corporate, for the corporate and by the corporate.

All the sections of the workers, central government and state government employees, public sector, port, airports ,bank, insurance, transport, airlines, defense production, coal mines, steel, electricity, postal, BSNL, income tax, audit and accounts, asha and anganawadi workers, loading and unloading, construction , handloom, coir, rubber, fishing etc actively participated. The peasantry under the leadership of Samyukta Kisan Morcha has organised complete hartal in the villages in support of the strike.

In BSNL also the Strike is almost complete as the major unions, BSNLEU, NFTE and FNTO have joined the strike. AIBDPA comrades are also in the forefront in support of the strike and participated actively in the demonstrations organised by the striking unions. Earlier country wide Solidarity Dharna called the NCCPA was organised on 25-03-2022 in support of the strike. CHQ salute all the workers for their massive participation in the historic strike and congratulate AIBDPA comrades for the support and solidarity extended to the General Strike.