.*NATIONAL CO-ORDINATION COMMITTEEOF PENSIONERS ASSOCIATIONS..(Registered undder the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021 PAN No. AAEAN8586FWebsite: mail: Feroze Shah Road, New Delhi. 110 001President: Com. Shiv Gopal Mishra. (97176 47594)Secretary General: Com. K.K.N. Kutty. (98110 48303)

Dated: 18.03.2022

Dear Comrade,

As you know, the working class in the country will be on two days strike on 28th and 29th March, 2022 against the present economic policies of the Government of India, which has harmed the workers in the country tremendously. The standard of living of the workers have gone down so deeply that none of the segments gets a fair wage today. By dismantling the public health care system, public distribution system and the Pubic sector undertakings, the user charges levied for various services have gone up leaps and bounds . The pension emoluments, which at one point of time, we had thought good enough to meet our basic requirements have become too meagre given the growing expenses. Many of the services for which huge amounts are levied including the GST, had been either free or provided at nominal charges in the past. Concessions granted to the Senior Citizens are all withdrawn. Above all, the dearness relief which is an integral part of the pension was first freezed and then denied. The Government has kept back the arrears amounting to crores of rupees with no justification as the economy is reported to have picked up momentum of growth and the tax collections both from direct and indirect taxes have surpassed the budgetary estimates . The various phases of corona pandemic affected severely the pensioner community. Many are suffering from the post- covid complications and the consequential ailments. We must, therefore, express our support to the strike and engage ourselves in the solidarity action as decided earlier. We take this opportunity to remind you of the need to participate in large numbers in the proposed dharna in front of all offices on 25th March, 2022 (this decision of NCCPA having been communicated earlier) to express our solidarity with the striking workers . A small memorandum addressed to the Honourable Minister of State, Department of Personnel and Pension, North Block, New Delhi is appended hereto. Kindly send the same to him after the dharna programme is over. Please go through the letter addressed to the Honourable Minister placed on our website covering comprehensively all issues concerning the grievances and demands of the Pensioners.


The Standing committee of the Parliament in their 110th report to the Lok Sabha has recommended to the Government to grant additional pension of 5% at the age 60, 10% at 70 and 15% at 75 instead of the present 20% on attaining the age of 80 years, increase the FMA to Rs. 3000 p.m. to reimburse the cost of hospitalization even if the treatment was from a non- empanelled private hospital and to cover the pensioners under CCS(MA) Rules. Coming from such an exalted body, we must mow demand that the Government take cognizance of the recommendation and implement the same as quickly as possible. It is, therefore, decided that the Pensioners Associations must organise demonstration in front of all offices on 5th April, 2022 and send the following E- mail to the honourable Minister.

“Solicit your kind reference to the 110th report of the Standing Committee of Parliament on pensioner related problems and appeal to you that the concerned officials may be directed to take immediate steps to implement those recommendations.” .

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

KKN Kutty

Secretary General

Memorandum to the Honourable Minister of Statefor Department of Personnel and Pension,Govt. of India, New Delhi.

We submit the following charter of demands containing issues and grievances of pensioners of various sectors. We had been, as is the case with many pensioner Associations, raising these issues before various authorities but regretfully submit that steps were not taken to resolve those. We feel that even reasonable issues, which do not have financial outflow are not addressed. Besides, the Pensioner community feels that they are being dragged to litigation which has of late become extremely costly and unbearable. They are perforce to bear the injustice. Even when the courts favour decisions upholding the contention of the petitioners, Government against their own policy decisions, drags the Pensioners to higher courts.. Even the Supreme Court decisions are not made applicable to the similarly placed personnel. We fervently appeal to you to ensure that the Pensioners are not dragged to court; their grievances are attended to within a reasonable time frame and they are replied with the reasons as to why the Government was not able to accept the contentions made by them. We also request you to kindly cause consideration of the following demands and the authorities are asked to have bilateral discussions with the representatives of NCCPA so as to have a proper appreciation of the demands raised. CHARTER OF DEMANDS.Implement Option No. 1 as one of the pension fitment formulae as recommended by the 7th CPC. Revise the Pension of BSNL absorbed retirees immediately with 15% fitment; recommended by the 3rd PRC and approved by the government from 01-01-2017, delinking the wage revision in BSNL. Clear all pending medical bills and medical allowance;Evolve a policy for automatic grant of pension and other pensioner’s benefits to the pensioners and retirees of the autonomous bodies on par with the Central Govt. Pensioners. Provide (a) notional fixation of pension under Option No. 3 on the basis of the pay scale/paylevel of the cadre or grade from which the pensioner retired. (b) Provide fixation of pension in the case of all pre 2006 pensioners on the basis of the grade pay/pay level or pay scale ofthe post or cadre from which one has retired as per the judgments of Courts. Extend the benefit of CS(MA) Rules to all pensioners who are not covered by CGHS. Increase the FMA to Rs. 3000 as has been granted to PF Pensioners. Raise the minimum pension to 60% of the Minimum wage. i.e. Rs. 10,800 p.m.Restore the commutation portion of pension after 10 years.Provide increased rates of pension on attainment of 65 years onwards as recommended by the Parliamentary panel.Scrap the New Contributory pension scheme and restore the defined benefit pensionRevise the pension of the Bank pensioners on line with Govt/RBI/Military and settle the anomalies in pension and other benefits arising out of the amalgamation of Banks. Provide the benefits arising from the court judgements to all similarly placed pensioners. Viz. the court order for the grant of one notional increment for those who retire on 30th June and 31st December Introduce medical insurance scheme for all pensioners including the Bank pensioners whoever opts for such a scheme.Restore the train fare concession to senior citizens withdrawn by the Govt. during the covid period. To create a welfare fund for all retired personnel on par with the working employeesEqualise the DA payment for all bank employees without distinction between pre and post 1.11.2002.To increase the ex gratia payment to bank employees retired prior to 1986.Provide medical and para medical facilities to cover up the shortages to the Railway hospitals catering to the Railway pensioners.Issue revised PPOs to all Railway pensioners to enable them to draw the revised pension as per the 7th CPC.Remove distance restriction for the grant of FMA.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,………………………………………..(Name of the President/Secretary .)Name of the Association/Federation.





