The 6th District Conference of Virudhunagar, Tamilnadu was held on 12-03-2022. Com. Selvarajan, District President presided over the conference. Com. N Kuppusamy, Circle Secretary inaugurated the conference. Com.S Mohandoss, CHQ Vice President delivered the keynote address. Both leaders explained elaborately the recent developments in the national scenario and in respect of the issues confronting the pensioners. Coms. M Selvarajan, Circle Organsing Secretary, A Gurusamy, District Secretary, BSNLEU, A Samudrakani, Circle Organising Secretary, BSNLEU, Muthusamy, District Secretary, TNTCWU and Theni Vasanthan( JCTU) etc greeted the conference. The report and accounts presented were adopted after discussion. Thereafter, office bearers were elected unanimously with Com. M Selvaraj (President) Com. K Murukandi (District Secretary) Com. M Perumalsamy (Treasurer).