The CEC meeting of All India BSNL DOT Pensioners Association was held online on 05-03-2022. Com. Ananta Kr Bhattacharjee, President presided over the meeting. The meeting paid homages to the martyrs and condoled the deaths of our own comrades and other prominent persons of various spheres. Com.K G Jayaraj, General Secretary welcomed all and presented the report of the intervening period and unaudited accounts for the year 2020-21. Com. V A N Namboodiri, veteran leader and our Advisor inaugurated the meeting and explained the current developments in respect of important issues like pension revision, medical benefits etc. Com. P V Chandrasekharn, Patron also addressed and empathised to strengthen the organisation.30 comrades participated and all of them presented their views and suggestions. General Secretary replied to the points raised by the circle Secretaries and CHQ office bearers.

The Central Executive Committee took the following decisions.

I. To launch another programme of agitaion on the following issues identified by the CEC. (a) Pension Revision with 15% fitment from 01-01-2017, delinking wage revision. (b) Implementation of Parliamentary Committee recommendation to grant Additional Pension on attainment of 65 years-5%, 70-10% , 75- 15%. (c) Immediately clear all medical bills of BSNL pensioners including medical allowance, pending for the last three/ four years. (d) Immediately pay the frozen IDA arrears implementing the Interim Otder of Kerala High Court. (e)Implement the Parliamentary Committee recommendations on medical facilities to pensioners; (i) Issue orders implementing Supreme Court judgment on reimbursement of medical bills for treatment in non-empanelled hospitals. (ii) Increase the Fixed Monthly Medical Allowance (FMA) to Rs.3000 from Rs.1000.(iii) Open CGHS Wellness centres in all the district head quarters. (iv) Periodical revision of CGHS rates reasonably. (e) Settle the issue of arbitrary cut in LPD by CCAs in violation of standing rules/instructions. (f) Immediate payment of pension and retirement benefits to VRS retirees of Maharashtra belonging to ST category as per OM issued by DOP&PW. The form of agitation and the dates will be decided by CHQ in due course.

II. The CEC called upon all the units to organise the Black Badged Demonstration and submission of memorandum to CGMs and GMs on 10-03-2022 demanding the 4 imporatnt issues, called by the Co-ordination Committee of BSNLEU, AIBDPA & BSNLCCWF.

III. Organise Solidarity Dharna at all levels on 25-03-2022 in support of the two days National Strike called by the Central Trade Unions and Independent Federations on 28-29, March, 2022.

IV. The CEC unanimously asked Tamil Nadu Circle to host the next All India Conferece in September/ October, 2022. All the Circle Conferences are to be held before the AIC.

V. CEC authorised CHQ to host the Asia Regional Conference of TUI(P&R) jointly with other affiliates of NCCPA at Thiruvananthapuram.