May be an image of 2 people and people standing
May be an image of one or more people, people sitting and people standing

Com.Ananta Kumar Bhattacharjee, veteran leader and CHQ President inaugurated the 4th Circle Conference of Kolkata Telephones held at Vivekananda Auditorium, Moulai on 25-02-2022. Com.Dispita Dhar was the Chief Guest and delivered the keynote address. Another veteran leader and Circle President Com. Supriya Mitra controlled the proceedings. A host of leaders including Coms. Animesh Mitra, President, BSNLEU & SG, BSNL CCWF, D Basu, AGS, Sisir Roy, Convenor, COC, Kanchan Mukherjee, Sibnath Sinha, Sukanti Mukherjee, Gobinda Das addressed the inaugural session.

In the subject session, Com. Sanjib Banerjee, Circle Secretary presented the report on activities and Com P M Das, Circle Treasurer submitted the audited accounts which were adopted after discussion. Com.Swastika Dasgupta presented the credential report. Thereafter, office bearers were elected unanimously with Com.Supriya Mitra (President) Com. Sanjib Banerjee (Circle Secretary) and Com. P M Das (Treasurer)