Com. C K Narasimhan, Circle President inaugurated the 4th District Conference of Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu Circle on 27-10-2021. Com.S Mohandoss delivered the keynote address. Both the leaders gave a good account of developments in the recent past highlighting the efforts of AIBDPA for settlement of the important issues. Com.S Nataraja, Circle Treasurer delivered a special address. Shri. S Krishnakumar, DGM (Admin) , BSNL , Tirunelveli greeted the conference. The report was presented by Com.A Pitchumani, ADS and Com. V Seethalakshmi, Treasurer submitted the audited accounts and were adopted after discussion.

The conference unanimously elected the office bearers with Com. M Kanakamani (President) Com.S Muthusamy (District Secretary) and Com.V Seethalakshmi(Treasurer)