A meeting of the Coordination Committee of BSNLEU, AIBDPA & BSNL CCWF was held online on 18-08-2021. Com.K G Jayaraj, Chairman presided over the meeting. Com.P Abhimanyu, Convenor welcomed all and presented the proposal of agitation on important issues decided by the CEC of BSNLEU. All the members, Coms.K G Jayaraj, Animesh Mitra, V A N Namboodiri, A K Bhattacharjee and Swapan Chakraborty participated in the discussion . The meeting also reviewed the decision of the last meeting to form Coordination Committees at Circle and District levels and found only little progress. Com.P Abhimanyu summed up the discussion. The meeting approved the proposal with some modifications. It was also decided to complete formation of Circle and District level Coordination Committees before 10-09-2021. The detailed circular on the demands and agitational programme will be published soon. Circle Secretaries are requested to initiate action for formation of Circle and District level Coordination Committees at the earliest for successful implementation of the agitational programmes.