IDA TO INCREASE BY 3.2% FROM 01-07-2021.

As per the Consumer Price Index released by Laour Bureau of India, the IDA will increase by 3.2% from 1st July, 2021. So the total IDA as on 01–07-2021 will be 173.6%. ( 170.4% on 01-04-2021 + 3.2% = 173.6%).

But we are not getting IDA due from 01-10-2020 ,01-01-2021 and 01-04-2021based on the so called freezing of IDA by the government vide DPE OM dated 19-11-2020. AIBDPA has rightly taken a stand that the IDA freezing is not applicable to BSNL pensioners as the OM does not cover non-executives and pensioners of CPSEs. CHQ took up the issue with the Hon’ble Minister for Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises for intervention for payment of the IDA installments. Kerala High Court in a writ petition filed by FACT Employees Association, after hearing the Assistant Solicitor General that DPE OM is applicable only to Executives and Non-Unionised Supervisors of CPSEs, gave a positive order directing the FACT management for payment of IDA to the workmen. This has clearly vindicated our stand and we again wrote to the Minister for necessary action by DPE. However, DPE forwarded the letter to DoT, being the administrative Ministry for further action. But nothing happened and therefore we filed a writ petition in the High Court of Kerala and got an interim order on 26-02-2021. The order was dult sent to both DPE and DoT but to no avail. We again moved the High Court for the final judgment and the court ordered on 30-04-2021 that no further order is required at this juncture.

Due to the pandemic situation and the resultant lockdown, the High Court has limited its functioning by hearing only important cases of urgency. Still our Advocate is trying to get the case posted for final judgment.

Meanwhile, the DPE as stated in the OM dated 19-11-2020, has to resume the IDA from 01-07-2021, without arrears. We may have to wait for sometime for the order of DPE in this regard.

Regarding the Dearness Relief of Cental government pensioners which has to be subsumed from 01-07-2021, the government has not yet taken a decision. The reply given by the official side in the National JCM meeting held on 26-0602021 is that the Expenditure Department will try to get the approval of the Cabinet for resumption of DR.