Conspiracy deepens to kill BSNL.

Conspiracy deepens to kill BSNL.

The committee that has been formed by the government, in the aftermath of the cancellation of BSNL’s 4G tender, for suggesting the roadmap for BSNL’s 4G service launching, has reportedly submitted it’s recommendations. The suggestions of the Committee clearly indicate the government wants to convert BSNL into a sick company, by delaying it’s 4G launching.

As per media reports, the DoT Committee has recommended that a system integrator will build and manage BSNL’s 4G network. The “system integrator” will be an Indian Company, which will be given the responsibility of procuring the hardware and software from different vendors and to assemble them.

It is important to note that, all the private telecom operators have built their networks by a single vendor, through turnkey contracts. According to the “turnkey contract”, a single vendor will manage the networks, under Managed Services Agreement. However, in the “system integrator” model, multiple vendors will be involved, which will lead to technical problems. 

As regards the “system integrator model”, the ET Telecom has published the following news item on 12th October, 2020:-

“Any move to adopt the system integrator model, with a preference to home-grown vendors, for building BSNL’s 4G network, will result in cost inefficiencies, hurting the telco’s capability to compete in the market, industry experts and analysts said. They said that the System Integrator (SI) model and expertise of local players in building a 4G network, including both radio and core products, are largely unproven.

All these only shows that the conspiracy to kill BSNL, is deepening. All the unions and associations have to come together, to stop it

( Courtesy: BSNLEU website)