WFTU solidarity statement on the three days’ mass action in India

A huge countrywide three-days’ mass action against the anti-worker, anti-people and anti-national policies of the government has started at the Parliament in the National Capital of India.
The protest is organized by the Joint Platform of Central Trade Unions, comprising Central Trade Union Organizations and all major industry/establishment wise federations and tens of thousands of militant workers are attending the demonstration from every corner of India.

The Joint Trade Union Platform represents workers and employees from all major sectors of industries and services viz., coal, steel, transport, telecom, petroleum, electricity, port & docks, engineering, construction, scheme-workers etc and employees of Central government and state government, Railways, banks, insurance, defense production, etc.

This protest is intended to demand the government to concede the unanimous demands which the joint trade union movement has been raising since the last over eight years. It is a step towards preparation for the next higher phase of united struggles including indefinite countrywide strike action, if the government continues to ignore the demands of the workers and proceed with its pro corporate agenda.

The World Federation of Trade Unions and its 92 million workers in the 5 continents join their voices with the Indian working class and its militant struggle against the anti-labour policies of the government and the bourgeois class their country. We express our support and solidarity to the class-oriented trade union movement of India and we want to affirm that will stand on their side for the fully acceptance and implementation of their fair demands in favor of the popular strata and the ordinary people.

The Secretariat